Back in January, I had joined the Madison County Iowa genealogy society. It was the first time I joined a society. Our roots run deep in Madison County. The Thornburgs, Leinards, Rubys and Boyds all came and settled there in the mid 1800s. Thought it might be an opportunity to network with others researching these lines and to learn more about the resources available in that area.
Much to my surprise, in the first newsletter I received, there was an article from a Kansas man whose Ruby ancestors had come from Winterset, Iowa to Kansas years ago. I had also posted a query in that newsletter. The day I received the newsletter, I had an email message from that Ruby descendant!! How cool is that?!?! He's descended from a brother of my 4th great grandmother, Hester (Ruby) Leinard.
Last weekend, I went to Topeka, KS to take a little research break. They have several great libraries full of Kansas and worldwide resources. We visited the KS State Historical Society Library, the Shawnee County Library and the Shawnee County Genealogy Society Library. The KS Historical Society Library had some interesting finds dealing with the Ruby family in Kansas. In fact, one of those leads sends me back to where I live and work! Hope I can meet this "cousin" sometime soon!